The Self-Sufficiency Calculator for New York City is no more.
But don't worry, we're still here to help...

Where'd the Calculator go?

The Self-Sufficiency Calculator for New York City was developed by Self-Sufficiency Solutions, which has become Benefit Kitchen. This site was originally built for the Women's Center for Education and Career advancement (with help from Robin Hood and the United Way).

Former WCECA partners should consider using Benefit Kitchen because:

  • Clients can self-screen (or begin a screening) prior to meeting with caseworkers.
  • Partner agency administrators can see data about clients' progress towards benefits (with or without in-person follow up).
  • Agency staff can see aggregate data of client benefit acquisition from all partner agencies (and report on outcomes when requesting project funding).
  • Agencies can engage in customized outreach efforts to clients via email or SMS (using our new authentication models, this can be a very streamlined undertaking).
  • Partner agencies will enjoy BK's new features (e.g. benefit "curves" and integration with external tools like the city's new benefit application APIs and KFF's Obamacare estimator).

Give it a try: download it for iOS and Android or visit in a standard phone or desktop browser
